Supreme Court Bar Association rallies to save a young life

Supreme Court Bar Association rallies to save a young life

In a stirring display of solidarity and compassion, members of the Supreme Court Bar Association have come together to support a fellow lawyer facing an agonizing ordeal – the battle to save his seven-year-old daughter from a serious illness. Struggling with Fanconi anemia, a rare and life-threatening condition, the young girl's treatment demanded substantial financial resources, far beyond what her father, a dedicated lawyer of the Supreme Court, could manage on his own.

Facing a daunting shortfall of 20 lakh rupees for his daughter's treatment, the lawyer father found himself in a desperate situation. However, in the face of adversity, the legal fraternity united, showcasing the true spirit of community and support.

The Secretary of the Bar Association, Rohit Pandey, and Joint Secretary, Minesh Dubey, spearheaded the initiative, recognizing the urgency of the situation. They appealed to the members of the legal community for assistance, rallying support for their colleague in need.

Responding to the call for help, esteemed senior lawyers Chandr Uday Singh, Raj Shekhar Rao, Paras Kuhad, Guru Krishna Kumar, Sonia Mathur, and Narendra Huda exemplified generosity by collectively contributing 5 lakh rupees towards the cause. Despite this significant contribution, a sizable gap of 15 lakh rupees remained to be filled.

In a moment of profound generosity, the renowned legal luminary Harish Salve stepped forward upon learning of the young girl's plight. Without hesitation, he offered to provide the remaining 15 lakh rupees required for her treatment. This act of kindness swiftly transformed into action as the funds were transferred to the designated account the very next day.

Reflecting on the remarkable turn of events, Minesh Dubey expressed gratitude for the unwavering support extended by the legal community. He emphasized the importance of collective action in times of crisis, highlighting the Bar Association's ongoing commitment to assisting its members in need.

The lawyer father, a first-generation legal professional, found himself confronting a challenge beyond his means. Yet, his determination to spare no effort in saving his daughter's life served as a beacon of hope amidst adversity. With the necessary funds secured, the young girl's treatment is set to commence, offering a glimmer of hope in her arduous journey towards recovery.

Minesh Dubey reiterated the Bar Association's dedication to providing financial assistance to its members, underscoring the ethos of solidarity and support that defines the legal fraternity. Through acts of compassion and unity, the legal community has reaffirmed its commitment to standing together in the face of adversity, ensuring that no member faces their struggles alone.


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