Situation worse than emergency, Muslims are being targeted with the connivance of police: Senior Advocate Anand Grover

Situation worse than emergency, Muslims are being targeted with the connivance of police: Senior Advocate Anand Grover

The dispute between the collegium system and the central government regarding judicial appointments continues. In this episode, the new name of Senior Advocate Anand Grover is added. Grover appealed to the judicial fraternity to stand by the judiciary.

Grover questioned the silence of the Bar and said that the Bar should take a clear stand. If the Bar is not strong, how can the Judiciary be expected to be strong. There is not enough support from the Bar. Complimenting the Collegium, Grover has said:

"We are passing through a period of crisis. But I would say that the collegium has handled the situation. However, many structural problems remain."

A virtual program was organized by a think tank called 'The London Story' on Wednesday before Republic Day. It is a think tank run by the Indian diaspora in the European Union. The topic of discussion was 'Taking stock of constitutional rights protection in India'.

Apart from Anand Grover, Advocate Mr. Prashant Bhushan, Advocate Ms. Shahrukh Alam and Member of the European Parliament Ms. Alviina Alametsä also attended the event.

Grover believes that justice, equality, liberty and fraternity are under threat in the present times. Constitutional values are in trouble. It is a very dangerous situation, he says. Although this is not the first time. Constitutional values were attacked earlier also. Judiciary had died during emergency but today the situation is more serious.

Grover has said that historically the rise of a strong government has come at the cost of the judiciary and judicial independence. And this has not happened only in India. This is the condition of the whole world. Politicization of judiciary has increased.

Grover believes that religious minorities are being targeted in the country. They are being systematically subjected to violence and discrimination. Questioning the role of police in the lynching of Muslims, Anand Grover has said that lynching of Muslims is a major issue. There is complicity of the police in the lynching of Muslims. Their accountability is not fixed after the events. Pluralism and religious freedom have been undermined in the country. Minorities feel like second class citizens in their own country.

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