Boy working in a bidi factory became a judge in America, studied LLB by sweeping in a hotel, both parents are daily wage laborers

Boy working in a bidi factory became a judge in America, studied LLB by sweeping in a hotel, both parents are daily wage laborers

Surendran Patel of Indian origin has become a judge in America. He has become a Judicial District Court judge in Texas for the 240th Judicial District Court in Fort Bend County, Texas.  Patel was born in Balal, a remote village in Kerala.

The 51-year-old was born in Kasaragod to working-class (Daily wage laborers) parents and raised in Kerala. Pattel has overcome many obstacles in his life through hard work, rising from being a beedi factory worker to becoming a US judge.

He worked during his time in school and college to support the family. Surendran K. Patel worked as a labourer and rolled beedis to make money while still in his teen years. He also decided not to continue his education after class 10. He returned to the College after taking a gap year.

Pattel wanted to pursue a law degree at the Calicut Government Law College after graduating, but he found it challenging to do so due to financial limitations. In 1995, he obtained his law degree with assistance from his friends and a job at a hotel, according to the report.

Following this, he started practising law in Hosdurg, Kerala, in 1996, and over time rose to prominence as a lawyer. His wife was chosen to work at a renowned American medical facility, so he relocated there in 2007.

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